3.2.1 Asynchronous Webhooks response from VPG for the Payment Outcome Webhooks WebHook Payment Response Template

Figure 2. Webhooks Payment Asyncrhonous Response Template WebHook Transaction Response Template Field Definition

The following fields can be defined in the Webhook template:

Table 8. WebHook Transaction Response Template Field Definition
Field Name
Type Length Description
SupplierID O String This is the VPG assigned merchant identifier.
The SupplierID field value will be submitted as SupplierAlias which are synomous.
Will be provided by VFS after merchant on–boarding.
TransactionId O String 21 Unique transaction identifier returned by VPG for a payment request
Identifier O String Value that uniquely identifies an order submitted for processing by the merchant.
Stamp O String 38 Unique identifier issued by the merchant representing the instance of the transaction request.
ControlKey O String Encrypted value used to check that the values posted back correspond to a valid Payment Gateway post-back for the TransactionStatusCallbackURL.
It is constructed using a Hash of the Stamp/Session/Identifier encrypted with the merchant's encryption key).
See 4.2. Appendix B: Control Key – TransactionStatusCompletedURL for details on how this value is generated.
PaymentType O String The payment option that was selected by the user. Valid values:
  • VisaMasterCard
  • Masterpass
  • Vodapay
Currency O String 3 Country currency.
Supply the 3 character ISO currency code.
Defaults to "ZAR" .
Amount O Decimal The purchase amount of the transaction
MaskedCardNumber O String The PAN (Card Number) of the customer's card used to make the payment masked with asterisk's to show only the last four–digits.
TransactionStatus O String Indicates the current status of transaction. Valid values:
  • Initialised
  • Success
  • Failure
TransactionReference O String 21 The unique identifier of the transaction on the payment gateway
Will always contain a value in the case of a successful transaction.
MerchantReference O String 20 This is the unique value that is used by the Merchant to identify the transaction on his system.
CustomerIdentifier O String The unique id sent to the payment gateway if sent by the merchant.
MerchantIdentifier O String 38 The GUID id of the merchant in the payment gateway.
RequestIdentifier O String 50 Included by the merchant to uniquely identify the transaction on his system.
MerchantTokenReference O String Applicable to the recurring payment journey only.
A unique identifier provided by the merchant for instances where they wish to cater for multiple customer subscriptions
A combination of customeridentifier and merchanttokenreference will create a unique token, and allow a single customer to be able to have multiple subscriptions.
If this field is not passed it will be set to CustomerIdentifier above.
RetrievalReferenceNumber O String The reference that is used to track the transaction with the acquiring bank.
AuthCode O String The authorisation code returned by the bank
ErrorDescription O String 250 The description of the error that has occurred. Can be empty.
Will only contain value if there was an error.
ErrorCode O String 3 Error code returned.
"00" – the transaction was accepted and will be processed.
Non-zero value otherwise.
See 4.5 Appendix E: Vodacom Payment Gateway Response Codes for a list of error codes.
CardType O String The Type of the Card used in the completed transaction.
Type M String Legacy. Must be specified as

